Friday 31 August 2012

DUST: Public enemy number one!

                                                           Dust Public Enemy Number One

Coal Dust!

When material falls or is blown from conveyors or is stripped from dockside stockpiles by the wind, that's profit falling out of the operation. Worse still, the material that's lost is likely fall to earth somewhere from where it can come back to haunt you in the form of increased costs in a number of ways, such as by hastening the need for maintenance, fines from the authorities, Environment Agency enforcement notices or even 'stop' notices.
In some countries site owners and operators are required to take whatever steps are necessary to minimise the impact of operations on their surroundings. In others, like China, which have traditionally had a more relaxed attitude to such issues, there is an awakening that standards have to change, and that's reflected in the plans for new developments like the Qinhuangdao Port.
It's China's biggest coal transhipment port, and had a throughput of 200m tonnes last year. By 2015, by when its throughput is expected to have doubled, the port is predicted to have spent more than $127m on environmental protection.
Defining dust as particles emitted to air that constitute visual, physical, chemical or health hazards for employees or the public offers a feel for the importance of the issue to anyone moving dust-generating material.
The actual transfer of material from ship-to-shore and vice-versa is well catered for and controlled by the sophisticated filtration systems in use, but these often fail to extend as far as stockpiles or road and rail vehicles during other parts of a load's journey.
The most common sources of dust in the port industry are therefore the same as many others - any open storage, handling and spillages of dry bulk cargoes.
And port operators can be at the wrong end of it because of the physical properties of some bulk cargoes. The brittleness of coal, for example, means that repeated handling causes it to break into ever finer and finer pieces, simultaneously increasing the potential for dispersal on lighter and lighter winds.
Particles smaller than 10 microns can cause respiratory problems for employees. Larger particles need to be controlled because of their economic value, their visual and environmental impact, and their influence on maintenance frequency.
Canadian company Weathersolve Structures has done considerable research into the way material of varying sizes is moved. Movement can be caused by winds of varying speeds and by mechanical influences, including falling from a conveyor, being disturbed by conveyor transfers or discharges, or by vehicle tyres.
In all cases, says the company's design engineer Mike Robinson, the distance particles move each day depends on the vagaries of the wind and the size and weight of the particle. The lightest, smallest dust particles can get caught in wind up draughts like a glider, and can be carried thousands of miles as a result. Larger particles will be blown a distance as they fall from a conveyor.
"After they hit the ground they then move along the ground in a skipping motion (like a rock thrown across the surface of a pond). The movement across the ground (called saltation) depends on the wind speed, the roughness of the ground and the size and weight of the particle," says Mr Robinson.
"Particles too heavy to saltate in a given wind may still be moving by rolling. As the wind speed increases, larger and larger particles begin moving, and the smaller, saltating particles start getting lifted into the general airflow.
So how can dust be brought under control? Putting stockpiles inside is one solution, but is not always practical.
Windbreaks can be another answer, and that's the one promoted by Weathersolve. With expertise built over 20 years developing windbreak and fencing technology to protect kiwi fruit from the worst of the weather on behalf of New Zealand's Ministry of Agriculture, Mr Robinson is an expert in porous fabric structures.
He says a windbreak can reduce the speed of the incoming wind, and its ability to pick up the material being protected, by three quarters; if the windbreak is 50 feet high, then the reduced wind speed area will extend for about 250 feet downwind. For 250 feet beyond that, the wind will be half that of the incoming wind. Taller windbreaks will naturally create larger wind shadows.
Trees can form an effective windbreak, but can take far too long to grown to an effective size. They nevertheless share the benefit of porous fabric structures in that air can pass through them, and in doing so act as a buffer to prevent the air that flowed over the top crashing down on the material being protected.
But slowing the wind is only part of the story. Still more control can be achieved by the application of water and dust suppression agents, each with a specific role.
Identifying which one will suit your site is a matter for experts, but they fall into broad categories, such as open areas and stockpiles, roadways and smaller handling yards, loading bays and vehicle exit points.
With ever-tightening environmental controls, particularly in Europe, it remain clear that more positive steps will continue to be required to keep ahead of the legislation, probably involving several methods of control for each material with the potential to be turned into dust on its journey through a port's handling and storage systems.
Unprotected areas open to dust erosion

Protected stockpile
If you’re under of pressure to find solutions for dust control problems – in addition to all the other pressures you face – you might want to consider the unique advantages of WeatherSolve wind shelters. 

WeatherSolve wind shelters can be designed to heights of 100 feet (30 meters) for greater control of dust over larger areas. With poles up to 120 feet apart (36 meters) they also make it easy to accommodate conveyors and buildings and to cross roadways. They can even include doors for trucks to pass through. 

Of course, the requirement for fewer poles also means lower structural costs and far less disruption during construction. Self-cleaning, and needing no daily consumables like oil, gas, electricity or water, WeatherSolve wind shelters are exceedingly low maintenance. 

WeatherSolve designs have been thoroughly proven in every extreme from Hurricane Andrew (Florida 1992) and South Pacific cyclones to the unrelenting heat of Oman and Bahrain, the severe cold of Canadian winters in Northern B.C. and the South American Andes at 16,000 feet. We know of no other company anywhere near close to such experience. 

Worldwide, total area under WeatherSolve protection exceeds 1,000 acres. 

Tell us the problem. We’ll show you the solution! 

Monday 20 August 2012

WEATHERSOLVE Dust containment FAQ

All of our windbreaks are custom built for each of our customers depending on what their individual needs are. The costs can vary quite a bit depending on the dimensions of the windbreak and materials used.
There are a few benefits of having a windbreak.  The first one is probably the most obvious one in being to slow down the wind to stop the dust from blowing everywhere and with this there will be less of a wind chill.  The second being is that the environment gets protected.  The third one is that the product on the pile is valuable and is blowing away.  The fourth is security, a visual barrier. The fifth is it will protect structures from storms.  It can also help with making plants and trees grow and reduce evaporation.
There are several reasons to buy a windbreak.  To slow down the wind erosion on the stock pile.  To save money, the dust blowing away is valuable. To protect the environment from the possibly harmful dust.  To protect the neighbors or surrounding areas from the dust.  To avoid fines and penalties from governing laws.
The fence works in two ways.  The first being an up wind component slowing down the wind to the stock pile so it doesn’t cause dust issues and erosion on the stock pile.  The second being a downwind component which keeps the dust from leaving the stock pile.
All of WeatherSolve Structures windbreaks are custom designs for the customer’s individual needs.  The height would depend on what the customer’s needs are.  But as a general rule the fence would need to at least as high as the stock pile that it needs to protect.
The windbreak will last for a long time.  There can be a small amount of maintenance required from time to time after bad storms but the structure will last as long as it’s being maintained properly.  The fabric life can depend on the amount of UV that the fence is subjected to.  A typical fence fabric will last 10 years but the fence it’s self will last much longer.
The cables that WeatherSolve uses are up to the highest standards and are capable of handling larger loads than they are used for. People ask about the danger of breaking cables, but actually the danger is minimal. The fence has an overload releases system. It is designed to release the lower edges of the fabric panels before cables or poles break. The top edge has a much stronger attachment system and remains in place. This keeps the fabric attached to the structure even in hurricane force winds when other debris is blowing around that might puncture or overload the fence. The cables are securely shackled to at least one piece of fabric (via the top edge of the fabric which does not break loose) so the cable is not free to flap around. In addition the cables are firmly clamped at each pole so the longest piece of potentially loose cable is the pole spacing.
The fabric can be easily replaced from time to time if required.
The parts undergo regular testing on fatigue, impact loads, and static loads in our facility at head office as well as being sent out to testing facilities.
There are a few different colors of fabric that you can have however the color can depend on what type of fence you require. Meaning UVB protection or fire retardant.  There are black or green fabrics.  Made to order options vary for very large jobs.
Because all of our windbreaks are custom it is possible to have the wind break painted with a company logo.
The strongest winds that one of our windbreaks has stood up to was in Florida in 1992 with hurricane Andrew 200 miles an hour.  WeatherSolve’s windbreaks have been through several hurricane winds.
Each one of WeatherSolve’s windbreaks is a custom design and there is a lot of information gathered and engineering to be figured out but it all can be done in a relatively short period of time.  For a 1km fence length, 2 months for design, 2 months for the supplies and 3 months to install approximately.
The maintenance for the fence is quite easy.  If you have a large wind storm and some of the clips release you just simply replace the clips and re-clip the fabric.
There are a few points that there are inspections on the fence.  At the end there will be a person to come and take a look at the fence to make sure that the installation has gone perfectly.  They come and inspect the poles, fabric, clips, cables and the rest of the components to make sure that the installation has been done properly and to say that the fence is finished correctly.
We have fences all around the world and in different terrains.  However we like to protect the privacy of our clients and respect their needs so we don’t give out company names.
WeatherSolve Structures has fences in many parts of the world including Bahrain, Oman, Brazil, Canada, USA, Europe, and Parts of Asia.  We have different fabric to suit the weathering needs for every type of weather.
You don’t need to clean the fabric the wind will do that for you.
At WeatherSolve we build customized windbreaks to suit the customer’s individual needs.  We have used many types of steel depending on what the customer’s needs are
At WeatherSolve Structures we customize our windbreaks for the individual customer needs.  So it would depend on what the fence was required to do.
We have designed a machine that we test the clips on and this is at our head office and we have sent it
WeatherSolve supplies wind break fences and cladding systems we build suited to your needs.
WeatherSolve wind breaks do stand up to UV rays.  We have wind breaks in such countries at Oman and Bahrain which both have sweltering hot weather.
WeatherSolve has wind breaks in cold areas as well such as Thompson creek and Williams Lake.  We get the best quality of fabrics so that we can be sure that it will suit all weather conditions.
WeatherSolve can make retractable screens to fit personal needs, or removable systems but there not for an everyday move.
The wind breaks and cladding systems that WeatherSolve usually designs, are for industrial sizes.  We have done some systems for farming/ agricultural needs however not for a home.
WeatherSolve does make wind break fences that go around solar panels.  Unfortunately solar panels don’t seem to stand up to well in wind storms, so having a wind breaking system in place will end up saving a lot of money.   The wind break fences material even allows a portion of the light through to charge them.
We work with your needs.  We also work with minimal guy wires and poles to not impede with workers.
WeatherSolve can make moving gate or retractable screens however there not to move in ever day situations there more suited to move may be once a month, depending on the size and terrain.
WeatherSolve can ship anywhere in the world and has agents in many different counties to help you.
You can install it yourself we have people that will come out and train you throughout the process.
WeatherSolve can supply the pole but we can also work with existing ones. If there is a supplier in your area we can work with them as well.

Saturday 4 August 2012

Weathersolve Industrial Dust Control Systems

Industrial Dust Control Systems

Wind both causes and spreads dust.

Slowing the wind is therefore the key ingredient in any dust control strategy.

The effectiveness of the windbreak is related to the size of particle being blown around. Very fine particles are hard to control and need to be agglomerated too.

Dust Control

Control of the small material is important because the sub 10micron particles (PM10's) can cause respiratory problems for your workers. The larger fines are worth controlling for three reasons. Firstly because of their economic value, secondly because of their visual and environmental impact on the area, and finally because of the extra equipment maintenance they cause.

Dust Movement
Dust comes in every size. It starts at the microscopic lung-clogging sub 10microns size. It is still a problem all the way up to the easily visible paint-stripping 1000 micron plus sizes.

Some dust gets in the air by mechanical means such as truck tires, conveyor transfers and conveyor discharges. Other dust is lifted off the ground by the wind. In either case, the distance the wind blows it each day depends on the vagaries of the wind and the size and weight of the particle.

The lightest, smallest dust particles can get caught in wind updraughts like a glider. When this happens, they can be blown many miles (sometimes thousands of miles).

Larger particles will be blown a distance as they fall from (say) a conveyor. After they hit the ground they then move along the ground in a skipping motion (like a rock thrown across the surface of a pond). The movement across the ground (called saltation) depends on the windspeed, the roughness of the ground and the size and weight of the particle. Particles which are too heavy to saltate in a given wind may still be moving by rolling. As the windspeed increases, larger and larger particles begin moving, and the smaller, saltating particles start getting lifted into the general airflow.


Dust Movement Mechanisms

Control can be by making the particles larger (effectively moving down any of the tables above in the direction of more blue) or making the windspeed less (moving to the left in the direction of more yellow).
For example, on a "rocky" stockpile, reducing the wind from 20 mph to 5 mph would make the mostly saltating 150 micron particles stationary, removing 5% - 13% from the vulnerable range.

The charts below highlight the effects discussed above. [Note that "windspeed" refers to the standard speed of the wind which is measured 33ft above the ground. The speed near ground level may be half that number.]

Dust particles on rocky pile in wind
5 mph
10 mph
20 mph
20 mm
some in air
in air
blown 100's ft
150 mm
some saltating
mostly saltating
500 mm
mostly stationary
some saltating

Dust particles on smooth surface in wind
5 mph
10 mph
20 mph
20 mm
in air
blown 100's feet
blown miles
150 mm
rolling or saltating
saltating or airsteam
500 mm
mostly rolling
mostly saltating

Dust particles released at 25 ft height in wind
5 mph
10 mph
20 mph
20 mm
blown 100's ft
blown miles
blown 100's miles
150 mm
blown 50-100 ft
blown 100-200 ft
blown 200-400 ft
500 mm
blown 10-20 ft
blown 20-40 ft
blown 50-100 ft

Dust Generation
Mines typically generate the following proportions of fine material:

Ave 20 microns1/2% to 1%
Ave 150 microns5% to 13%
Ave 500 microns7% to 16%
Up to 1000 microns3% to 10%
Total fines15% to 40%

The charts show that the smallest sizes are very easily blown around. It is fortunate that they usually do not constitute a large percentage of the total material.

The larger material is more stable, particularly if it lands on rough ground (such as a stockpile). Note that the most vulnerable range is "150 microns" which may easily account for 10% of the total production.

Ores: In many ore mines, the percentage of ore is much higher in the fines, so the 10% of throughput may in fact be 20% or more of the actual ore.

Coal: Coal is a brittle material where the percentage of fines can be dramatically increased beyond the ranges above. Three causes are:

1. The extraction process (heavy blasting)

2. The delivery system (long train journeys)

3. Machinery working the pile


Weathersolve Fabric Information

Fabric Information

To understand some of the variations you may be confronted with, it helps to be able to recognize the different types of construction. The range shown here is to illustrate typical variations, not as an endorsement. Some variations are very poor fabrics for any structural uses. The fabrics samples are approx  35mm (1.5”) square in actual size.

On the right are samples of our fabrics.

Fabric variations

Industrial mesh fabrics are an excellent way of modifying the environment. They can be strong, effective, economical, and durable. There are, however, literally thousands of variations. Many of the variations are not visually obvious, but can dramatically change the effectiveness and durability of the fabric.

This note covers some of the most common variations.

Base material variations

Basically there are four suitable synthetic fiber forming materials or polymers - high density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene, nylon and polyester.
  • (a) High Density polyethylene (HDPE) -good Ultra violet resistance good strength, good abrasion resistance, reasonable cost, good chemical resistance.
  • (b) Polypropylene - reasonable Ultra violet resistance, good strength, moderate abrasion resistance, low cost, good chemical resistance.
  • (c) Polyester - excellent Ultra violet resistance, high strength, good abrasion resistance, high cost, good chemical resistance.
  • (d) Nylon -, reasonable Ultra violet resistance, high strength, high cost, good abrasion resistance, reasonable chemical resistance, tends to stretch.

All the materials can be made with additives that change their properties, but the additives add to the cost and sometimes alter other properties. Modifiers are available for things such as colour, UV resistance, fire resistance, antistatic, antistick, and antislip. Their properties such as strength and stiffness are also affected by the way the yarn is formed. All yarns are formed by being extruded through a die then stretched (or "orientated")- the amount of stretch, the temperature it is done at, the way it is heated and the way it is cooled all change the structural properties of the yarns. The remaining variation is to create composite materials by coating (say) high strength polyester with highly UV resistant vinyl. Fibers can also be used to reinforce films of HDPE.

Yarn variations.

Yarn Form The cross sectional shape of the textile yarn can have a large influence on the performance of the yarn itself. Three main forms are generally utilised -monofilament multifilament and tape.

Generally the monofilament is of circular cross section and thus has a low surface to volume ratio This makes it stiffer and gives it better UV resistance as the UV rays have further to penetrate. Flat monofilaments are also used, especially in denser woven shade fabric. Also monofilaments tend to have a smoother surface and thus better abrasion resistance. Multi-filaments are a twisted bunch of very fine filaments. This gives flexibility, but tends to reduce strength, also it gives a high surface to volume ratio, which allows a high UV penetration, though this is to some extent shielded by those fibers on the outside. But as these outer fibers degrade they allow the UV into the inside.

Multifilaments also tend to have lower abrasion resistance as the discontinuous surface allows snagging and damage.

Tape is of very thin rectangular cross section, thus has a high surface to volume ratio (Like a piece of paper). Thus the UV can penetrate easily to the entire cross section. This is reduced a little by twisting or folding. Abrasion resistance also tends to be poor as the tape folds and splits easily, giving rise to fibrillation and wear. Tape also tends to be reasonably flexible.

UV and Weather Resistance

Probably more is talked and less understood of this property than any other. Most people interpret UV resistance as how long the cloth will last on a fence. But this is not what is determined in many tests. The only way to determine how long cloth will last on a fence is to put it on a fence - and this is a very time consuming way of getting results. Something similar is an Outdoor Exposure Test. The fabric is placed on a test frame at an angle of 45º to the horizontal and facing the equator. At regular intervals pieces of cloth are removed and tested for strength . One can then graph strength loss against time.

But we then have the problem of what strength is fail strength. The standard test is time to 50% strength (T50) but 50% strength may still be quite adequate to stay together on a fence. Also a cloth which is weak when new might have quite a long T50 figure, but below the strength required to stay in place in a very short time (see Figure 10). Thus a cloth which starts out very strong and declines in strength relatively quickly could in fact be better for actual performance on a fence than another cloth which starts weak and declines only slowly.

Another method of test is the accelerated weathering test, such as the Atlas Weatherometer, where the samples are exposed in a cabinet around a Xenon Arc lamp, which approximates intense sunlight, and the cabinet can be temperature and humidity cycled to simulate conditions in the field. Times are quoted as being equivalent to time outside for example 300 hours in the cabinet is equivalent to a year outside. Unfortunately this cannot be done precisely without a lot of correlation with actual outside tests and even then variable figures are obtained. Thus all one can say positively is that if a sample lasts longer than another in the weatherometer then it will last longer outside -an exact figure is difficult to quote - though some people attempt it; One of the causes of this discrepancy and difficulty is that it is very difficult to simulate in an accelerated manner the factors that cause deterioration in the field, for we are not just talking of UV effects, but also temperature, wind (abrasion) rain (leaching of stabiliser) and atmospheric pollution (chemical resistance).

The next variable in UV life is the actual UV the fabric will be exposed to. UV levels vary with atmospheric pollution, ozone layer thickness, angle of the sun to the horizon, angle of the fabric to the sun, grime on the fabric and reflectivity of the surrounding environment. Combined these factors can add up to several times the UV exposure in say rural Australia compared to say an industrial site around the Great Lakes.

Having disposed of some illusions, let us examine a few factors which affect a cloth's UV stability. Some we have already mentioned. Some polymers are basically better than others for UV and weather resistance. High Density Polyethylene is definitely better than polypropylene. Polyester is better than both of them, but much more expensive. Both can be made to last similar times with the addition of carbon black or other chemicals.

A brief dissertation as to why such apparently inert materials such as polyethylene and polypropylene do break down under the influence of UV light might be appropriate.

The main culprit is what is known as a Free Radicle. This is a very reactive molecule. These can be present from impurities either left over from the manufacturing process or in abnormal bits in the polymer chain or are created in the heat of the extrusion process. The UV light activates them and aided by oxygen from the air the free radicles start moving around in the polymer and knocking into molecular chains. Because they are so reactive they react with parts of the molecule and cause it to split off. The bits that split off in turn become free radicles and continue the process. The polymers have their unique properties because they consist of long chains of molecules. By breaking up the chains the molecules are shortened and they start losing their properties. They become weaker and chalky in appearance. Eventually they become a powdery substance - a lot of small molecules.

To stop this a number of things can be done. 
  1. Make the object made from the polymer thick as the UV rays only penetrate the immediate surface. Maximise the surface to volume effect, as in monofilament.
  2. Colour the polymer with pigments which keep UV rays out. Carbon black is the best for this but there are others such as red-brown Ferric Oxide. Some pigments neither help or hinder, such as titanium dioxide (white) and phthalocyanines (blue and green) but other pigments can actually accelerate degradation. These are the pigments that fade rapidly - in fading they form free radicles - and they include organic reds and yellows. So the best pigment for UV resistance is carbon black - but it must be of fine particle size and well dispersed (mixed)
  3. Add UV stabilisers. These substances react with free radicles and block or neutralise them. But they do get consumed and can also be leached out of the polymer.

Fabric Strength

The strength of the cloth depends on several factors - the weave, that is how many yarns per inch there are, the strength of the individual yarns and how the yarns are arranged.

Tensile strength is measured by stretching a 50mm strip of a specified length and separation speed until it breaks and recording the stress at break and the elongation.

Burst strength is carried out on a Mullen Burst tester - in this the cloth is clamped over a rubber diaphragm which is pressurized and when the cloth bursts the pressure is recorded.

Abrasion tests are somewhat arbitrary. One is the Martindale test which tests for the rubbing resistance of cloth.

The final strength characteristic relates to transferring the tension to a support structure. A fabric which had say 6 yarns per inch all with a strength of 7lb would have a nominal tensile strength of 42lb / in. If the most economical connection method was a clip which held 4 threads, and they were spaced very 10 inches, then the nominal effective strength would be 4 x 7 / 10 = 2.8 lb / in. As most connection systems pinch the yarns in some way which reduces their strength, this effective strength might actually be as little as half of the nominal value or 1.4 lb / in.

A good connection system which evenly spreads the load is clearly an important ingredient in any structure. Ultra Span has developed a range of systems which match the strength of the fabrics and the loads being applied. These have been tested in structural tests for sustained and impact loads as well as field tested over many years and storms such as Hurricane Andrew in Florida in 1986.

Construction variations

There are 4 main ways of producing a porous fabric. Each method uses very different machinery. The manufacturers that sell the machinery endeavour to show that their machine is the panacea by producing pattern books that show how their machine can imitate patterns produced by others. This creates the wide variety.

Extruded / punched Made from solid sheet that is slit or punched, then stretched to create the distinctive pattern shown. Sheets are narrow and rigid with (usually) large openings. The fabric works well for snow fences where a 2" hole is an advantage. Bird nets which need a ½" to 1" hole (depending on the size of the birds) made using this construction are typically weaker than other constructions.
The fabric is difficult to attach to cables in a reliable way.

Woven Uses yarns running in two (perpendicular) directions. Leno weave is variation which locks yarns more tightly. Collandering is process where fabric is "ironed" after weaving to slightly melt crossing yarns together for additional stability. Woven fabrics are the most economical way of covering an area. A big advantage of woven fabrics is that they have less tendency to loosen with time than knitted fabrics. Another advantage is that as they are not very deep, the level of shade they produce over the day varies less than the deeper knitted fabrics.

Knitted Uses the same yarn to go across and along the fabric. Knitted fabrics can run from holes 6" across to virtually solid. Knits are stretchier than weaves as the bends in the yarns pull tighter under load. Knits, and particularly the more open ones, have the interesting property that pulling them in one axis (say length) makes them narrower in the other (width). This makes them particularly suitable for attaching to frames where pulling the last edge allows the whole panel to be tightened.

Knotted ` Knotted nets have evolved from the fishing industry. Superficially they can look similar to some of the knitted nets, but the joints are tighter and formed using a bundle of yarns working as one whereas the knits are formed by interlacing several yarns.


Fabrics are used for a wide range of uses, and so are tested for specifications relating to those uses.

Shade This is the amount of light a fabric stops. A confusing concept here is that the colour of a fabric alters the light spectrum the fabric stops. White shade for example stops similar to black at the UV end of the spectrum, but stops much less at the infra-red end. Another factor is sun angle. Shade is measured with the light source directly above the fabric, but in Washington State for instance the sun never gets above an angle of 50º to the Southern horizon.

Windbreaks The amount of wind a fabric stops is a function of it's aerodynamic porosity. As is explained in Note 11 of this series, this is quite different to visual porosity. The second factor of particular importance for windbreaks is the wind load the fabric generates. The load factor comes from the same wind-tunnel tests used to determine aerodynamic porosity. This key factor can dramatically change the structural requirements to support the fabric.

Fire resistance, fire retardancy. There are number of codes governing the level of contribution of fabric to a fire. Untreated fabrics will burn, though the flame-spread index tends to be very low as the polymers typically melt a hole which falls away from the flame. It is possible to add enough fire suppressants to the polymers to actually smother a flame. The problem is that at that level of suppressants, UV life in particular is reduced as the added chemicals interfere with each other. Fire resistance to the point that the fabric will not add to the flame is easier to achieve.

Hail resistance. This relates to the hole size. Note that a taut fabric will generally stop a lot of the hail that is small enough to fall through it as those hail stones hitting the net bounce up and take the energy out of other stones that are falling.

Bird and insect proofing. Again this relates to the mesh size. ¾" is a very common bird mesh as it still allows bees to pass through.

Dust containment. The mesh size needed to stop dust is a function of the dust particle size and the wind pressure trying to force the dust through it. As most dust containment systems involve enclosing a source, there is very little wind on the inside forcing the dust out so more open meshes than might be expected are perfectly satisfactory.

* Portions of the text above are referenced from "Fabric Design for Artificial Windbreaks (unpublished paper)" by George Edwards, Donaghy's Industries, NZ.

Sample Fabrics

A Brief History of Windbreaks


Living windbreaks (trees and hedgerows) have been used for thousands of years. They were primarily used as a stock and predator barrier, but as any sheep about to lamb knows, it is warmer behind a hedgerow. The main reason: less wind-chill.


Some of the first serious windbreak research started in the dustbowl years in the U.S. Midwest. Years of removing trees, and of finely tilling the soil had created a classic wind erosion problem. To analyze the effect of windbreaks, the researchers built small fences using laths. Some of the technology was borrowed from snow fences which had been in use since the 1850's and were undergoing a revival in popularity at the time.

Dustbowl storm. 
Dustbowl storm.

Both fences controlled the wind. The difference was that where snow fences slowed the wind to allow the snow to settle out, erosion control fences slowed the wind to stop the soil lifting in the first place. The researchers varied the spacing of the laths then measured the effects on the wind and the erosion of the soil. They discovered that solid fences were not the best solution- they needed some porosity.

Wyoming snow fence
Wyoming snow fence

This information made it difficult for others who were looking at tree windbreaks as the porosity varied with height, from season to season, and even with windspeed as many leaves "feather" in strong winds.

In time it became apparent that windbreaks could dramatically increase crop production because of the change in several parameters important to crop growth. These are summarized in theGrowth Optimization section.

In the early 1980's the kiwifruit boom created a need for artificial windbreaks.
The first kiwifruit were sheltered because the hairs on the fruit were rubbed off if the vines were shaken by the wind. This devalued the fruit. Scientists then discovered that the growth and fruit production of the vines were very sensitive to windspeed too, so windbreaks were quickly accepted as an essential part of a viable kiwifruit orchard.

When kiwifruit became popular, established growers made enormous profits while supplies were very short. Wanna-be growers could not wait for tree-shelters to grow so they built artificial windbreaks of every type imaginable covering thousands of acres. Many blew down.

Early windbreak
Early windbreak using timber laths, NZ

shelter erection techniques
Contractors at a field day discussing kiwifruit shelter erection techniques, NZ

Combined windbreak and trellising
Combined windbreak and trellising on Kiwifruit- NZ

Engineers working for the New Zealand government were asked to investigate the failures and develop design guidelines for reliable shelter.

The Ultra Span windbreak systems by WeatherSolve Structures Inc. are based on these guidelines. The designs have been further refined following analysis of their structures after storm events. The biggest test was on about 200 acres in South Florida that had weathered (with varying levels of success) the 150mph plus winds of Hurricane Andrew in 1992.

Windbreaks are now in use in many situations throughout the world. Some of them may not seem so at first glance, but the aerodynamic design fundamentals are the same.
You will find examples of many of these structures elsewhere on this site.
  • In agriculture and horticulture, conventional windbreaks are used for crops from apples to zucchinis; including items as diverse as pasture, wheat, strawberries, carembolas, lettuce and grapes.
  • Snow fences are windbreaks designed to slow the wind enough to allow the snow to settle out.
  • Groynes on eroding beaches use the same principles to slow the movement of water along a beach and allow the sand the water carries to be deposited.
  • Golf Driving Range fences are just very porous windfences.
  • Tennis-court surrounds are used as a windbreak as well as a visual screen.
  • Nursery growers have shadehouses to keep the sun off their plants, but also to stop the wind blowing them over.
  • Green-house owners erect windbreaks in front of their houses to reduce the amount of wind damage in a storm, and to cut heat losses from the houses.
  • Industrial sites use windbreaks to keep the wind from blowing dust onto their neighbours.
  • Dockyards use windbreaks to cut wind-drift of paint and to increase temperatures for extended painting periods.
  • Mines use windbreaks to retain valuable ore on their stockpiles.

Weathersolve Fence Layout Considerations

Fence Layout Considerations

A number of things are taken into consideration when planning the layout of a windbreak.
This page introduces the main concepts.

Wind direction is the number one consideration in designing an effective windbreak layout. The information can come from local knowledge or by measurement. The best sources are government agencies such as the National Climatic Data Centre in the USA for long term data from major centers. This should then be adjusted to take account of differences in topography between the centre and the site. Short term measurements of wind at the site can be used to calculate the correction factors required.

If local knowledge is to be used, take the perspective of the provider into account. For example, a loader driver may be convinced the wind comes predominantly from the South (say), but not realize that the area of the yard he generally works in is partially shielded from the West. As a result the South wind he sees is actually a South-westerly wind being deflected around the building.

To resolve disputes, one excellent method is to make up some stakes about 4ft long with a 2ft long ribbon tied to the top.  Position the stakes at key points, make up a map of the site and record as follows on windy days.
  1. Direction: What direction is the ribbon pointing?
  2. Strength: What angle is the ribbon hanging at? The nearer to horizontal, the faster the wind is blowing.
  3. Turbulence: How much is the ribbon  flapping? More turbulent wind tends to pick up more dust.
Armed with this wind information the windbreak can be positioned so that it’s effectiveness is maximized. This means positioning it so that it is as close as possible upwind from the worst sources of dust, and that accesses and gaps are generally located in non-windy spots.

If it is not possible to avoid having openings along the exposed face of a windbreak, doorways and curtains can be used. In general, though they should be avoided unless the opening is only needed once every few weeks.

Better solutions are as illustrated below. The front fence need only be the height of the opening (typically 20ft).

The height of the fence is governed by the height of the items to be sheltered and the distance that they will be from the fence. To give a very typical example, to shelter a conveyor head dropping material on a stockpile, the fence generally needs to be as high as the conveyor and not more than 3 times the height of the conveyor upwind from it.

Stockpiles built by bulldozers and loaders have a tendency to develop flat side-slopes to enable the drivers to go up and down them. When this happens, the pile gets very spread out and it may be difficult to get the windbreak close enough to the conveyor-head.

One solution to this is to build a retaining wall or bund as shown below. It forces a slightly different driving pattern to spread and retrieve the material, but should still be operable. The benefit can be a significant saving in the height of fence required.


Windbreaks primarily operate as deflectors of the wind. For long fences the deflection is mostly over, for short fences, mostly around. When protecting moderately circular things such as stockpiles, short fences work best. The drawings below show two ways of arranging such fences.
The first one has two straight legs and suits winds coming very predominantly from one quadrant of the compass. Note the truncated corner. This is to control vortice-shedding. Vortices are turbulent spirals of wind which tend to spin off sharp corners that point directly into the wind.

The second arrangement is set up as a semi-circle. The braces on the poles are drawn outwards, but they could point inwards too. This layout is structurally very efficient when the curve in the fence is sharp enough so that the tension in the cables supporting the cloth balances the tension in the outward brace or guy.

There are a number of different pole types. Not every pole suits every layout. The drawings below show the main variations.


The windfence will also affect the snowdrift patterns around it.
Generally, when fences are up to 15 times longer than they are high, they will deflect blowing snow to the side. This will be the case with most near-circular stockpiles. In fact the fence layouts drawn above are very similar to layouts used for livestock-shelter snow fences.

For longer straight fences there can be a build-up of snow in front of the fence. If this would be inconvenient to remove, a more porous bottom section of the fence may need to be incorporated to allow the snow to pass through in the same way that snow passes through a snow-fence.

Note that this would then cause the snow to be deposited on the stockpile behind the fence.